Currently Stalking: Amber Interiors

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My sister gave me some really great decorating advice when we moved into our house. She said "Live in it for a while before you buy a lot of things. Your style may change from what you wanted when the house was empty." I wish I had followed this advice but alas, I am the youngest child and I'm impatient and stubborn and wanted everything done and decorated yesterday. It's a very long way from being done (we don't even have a dining table, yet) but already I'm bored with some things. The first one being our couch pillows. It's all I can think about these days. #realworldproblems

I started checking out A Creative Day's blog roll because I really identify with Eileen's design aesthetic and I love her DIY projects so I knew she would be following some creative people. Well, lo and behold I found Amber Interiors and OMG, be still my heart. I know, I know, I'm probably super late to this gorgeous train but I'm so into her stuff. She mixes colors and patterns like a boss and keeps that neutral background, which I love. I've been devouring her candid blog and I can't stop looking at her portfolio pictures. 

Take a looksie...

I died over the last one. Those pillows are perfection.

My heart sank a bit when I saw the prices for her pillows, however, I did find this Etsy shop that carries some very similar designs. I have my sights set on this little indigo number.

Take a mental health break and bask in the amazing-ness of Amber's site and drool over some kilim rugs.    


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